Safer space and feedback

Principles of a safer space:

  • Stop any disturbing behaviour immediately and apologize.

  • Make sure that everyone gets along and heard.

  • Do not disturb anyone verbally, by touching or by staring.

  • Everyone gets to participate and share things the way they want.

  • Handle sensitive matters respectfully. Do not question others’ experience.

  • Do not make assumptions based on looks, age, religion, culture or any other features.

  • Try to avoid stereotypes in your speech and actions.

  • Respect others’ personal space and boundaries.

We intervene in inappropriate and disturbing behaviour. If you experience any kind of harassment, you can contact Algo’s welfare manager ( or the board.

Want to give us feedback?

Course feedback

Do you have some improvement ideas? Was a specific course unfair? You can give feedback on any course here.

Welfare feedback

Have you experienced harassment? Do you need someone to talk to? You can tell all about your worries here.

Feedback on anything guild related

We appreciate your honest feedback. We are constantly evolving and you can make a difference. Tell us what’s good and what’s not with this form.