About us

What is a teekkari?

A teekkari or tekniikan opiskelija is a University student who studies to become a Master of Science in Technology. Teekkari culture is visible all over Finland. There is teekkari culture in Turku, Tampere, Espoo, Oulu, Lappeenranta and Vaasa. For years there were no graduate engineers in Jyväskylä but it all changed in autumn 2021. The number of teekkari students in Jyväskylä gets higher every year, which makes the culture bloom.

What is Algo?

Algo (Reg. Assn.) is the guild of graduate engineer students in Jyväskylä. Currently there are two graduate engineer lines in University of Jyväskylä: information and software engineering, and technology management. Algo was founded in summer 2022 and has ever since looked after students' rights and created team spirit and teekkari culture in Jyväskylä.

Beside supervising your rights, Algo organizes different events for its members such as academic table parties, excursions, bar rounds, the first of May events and much more! You can find more information about upcoming events on the events page or from the calendar on the front page. All members are also entitled to discounted products such as overalls and overall patches. In addition, Algo has contracts with different companies that provide its members with different types of benefits. You can find all the details in the Join us -page.

Meet the board and actives

An active is a voluntary student who wants to participate in guild activities such as organizing events or arranging sponsorships. Actives are a great help for the board! As an active you get to do the same things the board does without responsibility. That’s why actives can stop being an active whenever they want to. Maybe you have a great idea for a new type of event? Perhaps you’d like to manage the Discord-server? You get to do those kinds of things as an active. Apply now!

NB! If you wish to become an active or a part of the upcoming board, you must speak fine English or Finnish.

The board makes the guild function. Here is a small summary of the roles of the board:

President is responsible for the guild’s function. They run the guild meetings and represent the guild as a whole.

Vice president substitutes the president in meetings if needed. They work as a team with the president.

Secretary writes the minutes (an official record of the matters discussed in the meetings) of the meetings.

Treasurer pays the bills and takes care of the guild’s financial matters.

Corporate relations manager makes and maintains contracts with companies. They also run the corporate relations team (which consists of actives).

Event organizer plans and organizes events. They also run the event team (which consists of actives).

Excursion manager arranges excursions to companies which our members find interesting.

Academic affairs manager (kopo) makes sure students’ rights are met and maintains relations with the University.

Social affairs manager (sopo) works closely with kopo. They take care of students’ mental health and equality in the guild activities.

Social media manager updates the guild’s social media accounts.

Informer informs members about events and other important matters.

In general, all members of the board participate in addittional projects and help others in their duties. You can find the current board and their contacts here. (Hallitus = board)